Reflection on ownership

Last Updated on February 7, 2022 by justin

An effective culture is often something that both smaller teams and entire organizations need to work actively with. It requires some effort and reflection. This article describes an Ownership exercise that serves both as an individual reflection or as a basis for discussion for your team.

Why is it important?

We humans often have more choices than we think. A feeling and belief that you can influence the situation you are in can create a force forward and develop you. However, a belief that you have no influence at all can stand in the way of your efficiency (and your ownership). The purpose of this exercise is to reflect on your choices and your responsibilities in situations.

The exercise:

Suitable for: Established teams
Time required: 30 minutes – 1 hour
Type: Individual exercise or in a team

Start by answering the questions:

  • Are there any areas or situations in your life or workplace that you are not really happy with?
  • Are there circumstances you can not control or people who stand in your way? Write down 3 of these circumstances.

Now you should reflect on these questions:

  • Through your actions or non-actions, what choices have you made linked to this situation?
  • Through your actions or non-actions, how have you contributed to this situation?
  • What have you gained from letting this situation continue?
  • What could you have done to “own” or take responsibility in this situation?


To make this a team exercise, you can share your answers to the reflection questions. Or you bring up the issues at times when you encounter problems in ownership and responsibility. Then they are suitable as a basis for discussion!

Many people often end up in situations where there is a status quo. You’ve probably once thought “I can not do anything about it at all”. It is a situation that is detrimental to personal efficiency. If you or your colleague ends up there, pick up the questions for reflection.

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